Sunday, November 8, 2009

Color Your Blessings

So, I didn’t tell y’all this, but I was out of town from Wednesday through Saturday at the American Association of School Librarians conference in Charlotte, NC. I had a ton of fun, came back with a bunch of new ideas, and even presented a session – I was crazy nervous about it, but it went well! I’m the bad blogger that forgot to bring a camera, but if I manage to find some good pictures from others, I’ll be sure to post them. Now that I’m back home and things are somewhat back to normal, I’m super excited to announce a fun new feature I’m planning to start next week. When I was taking pictures for a fashion post, I accidently took this shot:

It struck me how all my red kitchen items just jump out of the photo, and that got me thinking about how blessed I am to have such a pretty kitchen. Thinking about colors and blessings got me thinking about rainbows. When I was in pre-school, we had a children’s program at church called Rainbows. I loved our class song, “I’m a rainbow, I’m a rainbow, I’m a promise of God’s love.” And because my brain flourishes on this kind of bunny trail, I thought it would be a great idea to host a blog party that focuses on all the colorful blessings we have in our homes.

Here’s what I’m thinking, for six weeks in a row we’ll have a little party here at the roost to celebrate the blessings in our homes that represent each color of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. You can share one photo or many. You can choose to share anything in your homes, from décor items, to dinner, to plants in the yard, anything is fair game. The only rules are that you have to share why you’re thankful for/blessed by the items in the photos, and you can’t buy anything new just to feature. I love the idea of looking closely at the items that are already in our homes, and expressing thanks for all the blessings we have.

Here are some examples:

Our battered orange filing cabinet adds a little sunshine to the office. I am so thankful that is was only about $15 from a thrift store, because Brad and I wouldn’t have been able to afford a new cabinet this large.

We have a lot of this ivy growing around our patio. I’m blessed to have enough to always be able to bring a little into the house for a free arrangement. It adds so much warmth to the living room!

Ok,I think y’all get the idea! We’ll get the Colorful Blessings Party started with red, on Tuesday night, Nov. 17th. In the mean time, I’d love it if you could start spreading the word! I’d like to make a blog button for the party, but I’m not positive how to do that just yet. Suggestions?



Julia said...

Hey Hattie! Sounds fun - here's a link to a post I wrote that includes making your own buttons. Hopefully it helps!

Tracy said...

good idea! looking forward to red tuesday! :)