Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Dream House: Week 8

The dream house update is a little late this week because it's been, well, a week. You know, one of those weeks. The kind where you can't tell whether you're coming or going. Anyway, without further adieu, let's take a tour of the house as it looked on Friday.

Come around back and park.

You may have to levitate up the staircase.

Or, you can walk the plank to enter through the front door.

Look! We have three beautiful walls (spoiler alert: as of today we have four beautiful walls and much more!)

The library was hiding back in this corner.

Now step back and admire the whole first floor, just watch your step, it's a bit of a fall!

It's getting to be very exciting around here!


1 comment:

Tracy said...

Love it! So exciting- it's starting to look like a house!! :)