Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Library flowers

Last week was National Library Week. In celebration, my school sent me this huge vase of springy flowers.

I enjoyed them as is for a few days, but if you know me, you know I am not one to leave a bouquet of flowers untouched. I went with my usual divide and conquer strategy and scattered the blooms in vintage vases all over the house.

Three sweet little milk glass vases are right at home on the kitchen table.

Cuz, ya know good things always come in threes!

I had to indulge in my favorite form of pampering and plop the hobnail vase of carnations on my nightstand.

Forget the manicures and spa treatments, this country girl just needs a tiny vase of flowers to feel spoiled!

I had to plunk the daisies in aqua canning jars, because daisies just belong in beautiful old jars.

I've never stuck flowers on the bookshelves before, but I think they add some unexpected fun.

It's ridiculous how happy I am when flowers are sprinkled all over the house! What simple thing makes you all giddy?


1 comment:

Tracy's mom said...

I'm with you about flowers...I've treated myself twice recenty to a bunch of $5 tulips and it's amazing how much they make me smile.